Welcome to Cassopolis P.T.O.!


The Walk-a-Thon is held in October and is the P.T.O.’s annual fundraiser.  We have used the Walk-A-Thon for two years, and it has been very successful.  The money that is raised from it is used for field trips, open house, Grandparents/Special Friends Day, Staff Appreciation luncheon, Citizen of the Month and other events.


Save UPCs and beverage caps from participating Campbell products.  Make sure to save UPCs from Spaghettios, Prego, Swanson, Franco-American and Pepperidge Farm products.  Save caps from V-8 juices too.  For a complete list, visit www.labelsforeducation.com/participating-products.aspx.  The labels and caps are used to “purchase” items for our school.  Categories to choose from include art supplies, computers and electronics, and school accessories just to name a few.  Your participation is appreciated and helps our schools!


Clip and turn in your Box Tops for Education coupons at SAMS or Squires.  Our school earns $0.10 for each Box Top redeemed.  That may not sound like much, but if we all participate, it adds up quickly.  You can find Box Tops coupons on 100s of participating products such as baking products, cereal, waste bags, personal care items, and baby and child care products just to name a few.  You can find a complete list of the products and print money-saving coupons at the Box Tops for Education website.  Just go to www.boxtops4education.com and click on the “$1 OFF COUPONS” at the bottom of the page.  You will be able to save money while grocery shopping and help our school by clipping the Box Top coupon!


When you use your Martin’s Advantage Card from October through April, you help our schools earn the equipment that we need most – anything from soccer balls to computer software.  Everyone must re-register their card number each year or it won’t count.  In order to participate, simply complete the “Shopper Sign-Up Sheet” that is included in the PTO Handbook (distributed in Monday Folders at open house); register your card at any Martin’s Supermarket; or register online at www.martins-supermarkets.com (just click on Advantage Card in the left column and follow the links for Advantage for Education).  To register at the store, you will need to provide the school codes – Squires code is 4663 and SAES code is 4662.  When you sign up, make sure to have your friends and family register too!  When you shop at Martin’s, simply use your Advantage Card.  Every dollar spent will be credited to our school. 


From September through May, a Market Day flier will be sent home with your child.  This is a wonderful fundraising program that not only benefits the school, but also benefits you with quality food products.  To place an order, complete the order form and return it by the due date listed on the back of the flier.  You can also place your order online at www.marketday.com.  If you order online, you will need to set up a username and password and register our school.  By ordering online, you are also entitled to website clearance!!  You can also have your family and friends participate in this program.  You simply place your order and pick it up at the time and location listed on the back of the flier.